HAR D2 S5 ME320 Rethinking Dessalines – Politics, Philosophy, Theatre
Rethinking Dessalines: Politics, Philosophy, Theatre (Chaired by Claire Bourhis-Mariotti), ME 320
Julia Gaffield (Georgia State University), ‘“From freedom’s sun some glimmering rays are shed that cheer the gloomy realms”: Dessalines at Dartmouth, 1804.’
Nathan H. Dize (University of Maryland), ‘Reprising Jean-Jacques Dessalines: Massillon Coicou’s Prophetic Vision of the Past in L’Empereur Dessalines: Drame en deux actes, en vers.’
Raphael Hoermann (University of Central Lancashire), ‘Langston Hughes’ Play The Emperor of Haiti: Re-casting Revolutionary Leadership in the Black Atlantic.’