IBar News

Book Now for ‘What’s Happening in Black British History?’ IV (WHBBH6)

IBAR would like to welcome you to the ‘What’s Happening in Black British History?’ IV Workshop at the University of Central Lancashire on Thursday the 16th of March 2017.

The Keynote speaker will be Professor Gretchen Gerzina (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), author of Black England: Life Before Emancipation (1995) and presenter of the recent BBC Radio 4 series, Britain’s Black Past.


The event will last from 11:00 – 18:00

Book tickets/More info

Book tickets for Gretchen Gerzina’s keynote address only



10.30 – 11.00    Registration: tea & coffee


11.00 – 12.30     Session One: Beyond the Margins: Diverse Black Histories in Britain

Chair: Alan Rice (IBAR)

Alan Rice (IBAR), Vagrant Presences and Reparative Histories: Lost Children, The Black Atlantic and Northern Britain

Corinne Fowler (University of Leicester), How Writers Can Public Raise Awareness of the Black Histories of Britain’s Countryside and Why It Matters

Theresa Saxon (IBAR), Ira Aldridge in Britain

Raphael Hoermann (IBAR), “The fate of St. Domingo awaits you”: The Haitian Revolution and the Haitian Gothic with White and Black British Radicals, 1804-1819


12.30 – 1.30      Session Two: Fathers’ Migration Stories

Chair: Miranda Kaufmann

Hannah Lowe (Kingston University) Ormonde: Post-War Caribbean Migration through Poetry

SuAndi and Jackie Ould (AfroSolo UK) My Father Always Wore A Dunhill Hat


1.30 – 2.30      Lunch


2.30 – 4.00     Session Three: Black British Experiences of War

Chair: Sean Creighton

John Siblon (Birkbeck College), First World War Memorials of African, Asian and Caribbean Colonial servicemen in Britain

Melissa Bennett (University of Warwick), Deciphering photographs of black military bodies prior to World War One

Lauren Darwin (African Stories in Hull and East Yorkshire), “You black men are not wanted in this country”: Exploring the dichotomy between the experience of Black sailors before, during and after World War One in Hull


4.00 – 4.30        Tea/coffee


4.30 – 5.30        Keynote address: Professor Gretchen Gerzina (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)  

                         Why Black British History Matters: An American Perspective


5.30 – 6.30          Final Thoughts and Conclusions

Chair: Michael Ohajuru

Panel: Alan Rice, Elizabeth Burke, Gretchen Gerzina 


6.30 – 7.30           Reception


The event will take part in the Media Innovation Studio (ME 413), Media Factory, 4th Floor, UCLAN. The venue is on Kirkham Street in Preston and the postcode for navigation systems or mobile maps is PR1 2XQ. 


Book tickets/More info

Book tickets for Gretchen Gerzina’s keynote address only