IBar News

Exciting PhD Opportunity at IBAR

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE PhD (via MPhil) Studentship in the Institute for Black Atlantic Research


Applications are invited for a full time PhD (via MPhil) studentship in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in the Institute for Black Atlantic Research. The studentship is tenable for up to 3 years full-time [subject to satisfactory progress] and will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates and a maintenance grant of £7750. International applicants may apply but will be required to pay the difference in tuition fees. The studentship is funded through the Stuart Hall Foundation.

Supervisory team to include Professor Lubaina Himid & Professor Alan Rice.

Project Description

This project will investigate the consequences for artistic process of the Black presence in Northern Britain. It will first research the histories of slavery and migration and historic, cultural and theoretical responses to them in the context of Black Atlantic Cultural Studies before undertaking a creative practice project to make new work looking at either the historical or contemporary manifestations of Black culture in the North. It takes as its starting point the idea that there is an inherent metropolitan and London-centric bias in the discussion of Black culture in Britain and will itself undertake original research and creative practice that works to highlight hitherto neglected and forgotten cultural histories and practices. The project will consist of the creative practice itself and a theoretically and academically informed written up justification of the practice.


Candidates should have (or expect to hold) a UK Bachelor of Arts degree at 2:1 or above in a related area (or equivalent qualification), or a Masters level qualification.


International applicants require an English Language level of UKVI IELTs 6.5 (no sub-score below 6.0) or equivalent qualification.


Further information

For an informal discussion about the project please contact Professor Alan Rice email: arice@uclan.ac.uk

For the application form and full details please visit http://www.uclan.ac.uk/research/study/studentships.php and download an application pack. This will be available during the week beginning 13th February.

Completed application forms should be returned to the Research Student Registry email researchadmissions@uclan.ac.uk


Closing Date:                        28 February 2017

Proposed Interview Date     13 March 2017